Programming & Services
It’s not just about mountain biking!
Everyone knows us as the Indigenous Youth Mountain Bike Program, or even more simply, the Trail Guys! But the trails we build with our Indigenous partners and friends have become about so much more.
We assist communities to develop outdoor adventure spaces that create opportunities for cultural and language revitalization, education, cultural practises and ceremonies and healthy active living.
The trails we help build are used by thousands of Indigenous Peoples for walking, dog walking, hiking, trail running cycling as well as winter sports. Educators and cultural workers use the trails for teaching language and culture, and raising awareness and respect for Indigenous Rights and Title.
The trails we have helped build have become a source of community pride.
Our services include:

Allies – Digging Our Way Through
Some of the groups we have
worked with include:
- Outdoor Recreation Council of BC
- Trails Society of BC
- Recreation Sites and Trails BC
- International Mountain Bike Association
- South Island Mountain Bike Association
- Fraser Valley Mountain Bike Association
- Ride Burns Mountain Biking Association
- Western Canada Mountain Bike Tourism Association
- Northshore Mountain Bike Association
- Norco Bikes
- Arc’teryx
- TransCanada Trail Association
- BC Cycling Association
- Nanaimo Inclusive Trails Project
I first heard Patrick speak at the International Indigenous Tourism Conference in Whistler, BC. His ability to connect meaningfully with the audience through humour and engaging storytelling is truly impressive. I have had the pleasure to hear Patrick speak many times since that initial conference and each time he has proven to be the hit of the show.Mike Bellegarde, Saskatoon Tribal Council All testimonials →